- care a straw 在乎
- catch 〔grasp〕 at a straw 抓稻草
- draw straws 抽签
- gather straws 收稻草
- pick straws 拣麦秆
- the last straw 不堪忍受的最后所增加的负担
- man of straw 稻草人,假想的对手
- suck lemonade through a straw 用吸管吸柠檬水
- house thatched with straw 茅屋
- make bricks without straw 做无米之炊
- straw in the wind 显示风向〔舆论〕的事物
- drinking straw 吸管;饮用麦管;管子;正式名称为
- Straw Hats 草帽;稻草帽;下载;草帽系列
- Straw Bag 草袋;草包;草编包;夏花包
- straw cutter 切草机
- straw slipper 草席拖鞋
- Spoon Straw 吸管汤匙
- chopped straw 铡碎的稿秆
- straw wrapper 草浆包装纸
- Straw mulch 稻草覆根;草制覆盖物;草幂
- wheat straw 麦秸
- straw pulp 草纸浆
- rice straw 稻草;稻秸;稻秆
- in the straw ◎(谷物)未脱粒,◎[古语]在坐蓐,在分娩
- straw hat n . 草帽;(美)夏季剧院
- last straw 最后一击;忍耐的极限
- straw yellow n . 淡黄色
- straw mushroom 草菇
- straw board 马粪纸;草纸板
- maize straw 玉米秸秆;玉米秆
- make bricks without straw v . 作无米之炊
- straw mat 草席;蚕用草荐
- straw poll n . 测验民意的投票
- out of the straw [古语]产后复元 返回 straw